Music and Festivals

Music and Festivals

Lessons for IELTS Reading: HEALTH

Before you read the reading passage slowly, you need to get an overall idea of what the topic of the whole passage is.

Travel and Adventure

When you travel, what kinds of activities do you like to do?

Lessons for IELTS Reading: FOOD

Loot at the two pictures below. Talk about them with your partner.

Amazing Animals

Many people say dolphins are very intelligent. The seem to be able to think, understand, and learn things quickly...

Lessons for IELTS Reading: EDUCATION

Look at the two pictures of classrooms in the 1900s and in the present.

IELTS Guide Reading: 12 Locating Information

IELTS Guide Reading: 12 Locating Information

IELTS Guide Reading: 11 Matching

IELTS Guide Reading: 11 Matching

IELTS Guide Reading: 10 Table Completion

IELTS Guide Reading: 10 Table Completion

IELTS Guide Reading: 9 Sumary Completion

IELTS Guide Reading: 9 Sumary Completion